AWS Direct Connect Note


4 min read

Routing Static vs Dynamic

  • Static: add route explicitly

  • Dynamic:

    • Routing routes get propagated automatically using BGP - TCP port 179

    • Using Path-vector protocol to exchange best path between AS (AS_PATH)

    • Routing decision:

      • Weight (within AS)

      • AS_PATH between AS

      • LOCAL_PREF (within AS)

      • MED (between AS)

Direct Connect Components

  • Dedicated DX:

    • Allows 1, 10, and 100 Gbps
  • Hosted DX:

    • Allows 50, 100, 200, 400, 500 Mbps and 1, 10 Gbps (by AWS DX partner)

    • 1 hosted connection = 1 VIF

  • Hosted VIF:

    • Applicable for hosted DX and dedicated DX

    • Connection < 1Gpbs support only 1 VIF

    • Private VIF should associate VGW

Single-mode fiber 1000BASE-LX -> 1G, 10GBASE-LR -> 10G, 100GBASE-LR4 -> 100G and 801.1 Q VLAN must be supported.

DX Virtual Interfaces

Public VIF

Only Public VIF has prefixes to be advertised. Customer Router CIDR /30 if don't have AWS support /31. Each BGP allows max 1000 route prefixes from the customer router.

Public VIF Inbound

  • Traffic must be destined to Amazon public prefixes

  • AWS DX allows packet filtering

Public VIF Outbound

  • Longest prefix match & AS_PATH can be used to influence the routing

  • Advertise public prefixes with NO_EXPORT BGP community tag

Private VIF

Only Private VIF has a gateway type (VGW or Direct Connect Gateway). Jumos frame applicable only to Private - 9001 & Transit - 8500 MTU.

Must attach VPC <-> VGW <-> Private VIF. VIF and VGW must be in the same region.

Can announce 100 prefixes to AWS & the routes can be automatically propagated into subnet routable.

The propagated route takes precedence over the default route to IGW

Can't access inside VPC:

  • VPC DNS resolver at Base + 2

  • VPC gateway endpoints

Transit VIF

  • Transit VIF <-> DX GW <-> TGW

  • Allow attaching multiple DX GW to 1 TGW

Direct Connect Gateway

  • FREE, charge only egress + port

  • Allows access to multiple VPCs using a single private VIF (not public) using VGW. (multi-regions & multi-accounts)

  • No transitive connection

  • DX GW & VIF should be created in the same account

  • 1 DX <-> 50 VIFs

  • (1 - 30) VIF -> 1 DX GW

  • 1 DX GW <-> 10 VGWs (VPCs)

\=> 50 X 1 X 10 = 500 VPCs


  • 1 Transit VIF <-> 1 DX

  • 3 TGWs <-> 1 DX GW

  • Transit VIF does not allow for hosted conn < 1Gpbs

  • Enable for Private VIF or Transit VIF

  • Support any combination of a dedicated or hosted DX with different port speeds

  • The shortest path for traffic sent over AWS Global network

  • Cost $0.5/hr + Data transfer cost

Routing Policies & BGP Communities

Public VIF

Public ASN:

  • Active - Active: CGW advertises the same prefix

  • Active - Passive: Same prefix and using AS_PATH and increasing local-pref

Private ASN:

  • Active - Active: Not support

  • Active - Passive: Using prefixes

BGP communities: control scope for the advertisement of prefixes (regional & global)

  • Inbound: 7224:9100 (local), 7224:9200 (regions for continent), 7224:9300 (Global)

  • Outbound: 7224:8100 (region), 7224:8200(continent),no_tag (Global), NO_EXPORT

Private VIF

Prefixes -> Physical distance -> local preference BGP -> AS_PATH

Local Preferences: 7224:7100 (low preference), 7224:7200 (medium preference), 7224:7300 (high preference)

Active - Passive: using local preference

Routing precedence:

  • Local route

  • Longest prefix match

  • static route table over dynamic/propagated routes

  • Dynamic routes:

    • DX BGP routes: shortest AS_PATH or load balance

    • VPN static routes

    • BGP from VPN: shorted AS_PATH

Increase speed & failover by summing up multiple DX in a single logical conn using Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) in Active/Active mode.

All the conns in LAG must have the same bandwidth and can have up to 4 aggregations. Allows to add new or use existing ones for setting up LAG.

Allow 4 aggregations for bandwidth 1 or 10 Gbps and 2 aggregations for 100Gpbs.

Num of operational conn: num LAG - num Oper = minimum up conn

Resilient DX Conn

  • Single DX + VPN backup

  • Dual DX + Dual devices

  • Dual DX + Dual locations (High resiliency)

  • Dual location + DX backup (Maximum resiliency)

DX Failover (Bi-directional forwarding detection)

Detection < 1s

The 90s for waiting for 3 keep-alive to fail

liveness detection 300ms and 3 -> failover under 1 second